Deshantari of Ottawa Carleton is a non-profit cultural and charitable organization set up by the local Bengali Community in 1972.

  • Our mission is to promote cultural, literary, spiritual and charitable aspects of our rich heritage. Every year through various events and activities we try to bring together our community and encourage participation from different communities also.

  • We organize fund raising activities to donate local as well as international organizations. During autumn festival we collect food items, books, clothes and other household materials to give away to various charitable organizations in Ottawa.

  • Our cultural activities include innovative dramas by adult as well as children, musical performances by local talent and overseas artists, discussion on various relevant topics during open house, bengali movie shows etc. We have a badminton club run by members and also invite players from outside Deshantari.

  • Deshantari’s online magazine Lipika is published during autumn festival to satisfy the literary craving of the community as well as encouraging the younger generation of their literary and artistic mind.

  • Our attempt is to encourage the leadership skills and friendliness among our youth members. Our youth members plan various activities for the children during different events.