Lipika Magazine Submission Guidelines
- Natural translucency Topics and language of the submissions should be appropriate for general international family readership of all ages. (For example, works containing off-color jokes or language or pictures or photos, violent connotation, racial /ethnic /gender slurs will NOT be accepted. In general, the writing should reflect a positive note and not be critical, judgmental or derogatory towards other cultures/individuals / groups).
- Preferably, the submissions should not have been previously published. In case the submitted article was published elsewhere before, citation for the previous publication is required to be provided.
- Ideally, for maintaining the interest of readers, the work should be limited to 3 computer typed pages. However, the length of the submitted article / contribution should not exceed 5 typed pages.
- Contribution can be either in English or Bengali : Writings, poems, drawings, jokes, recipes, health advice, beauty advice anything . Both English and Bengali submissions should be computer-typed , as much as possible.
- Children are encouraged and welcome to submit writings and drawings.
- Any information borrowed from external sources must be mentioned in the article and appropriately acknowledged.
- No submissions will be returned to the author and no financial exchange will take place.
- If more submissions are received than what can be accommodated in one issue then first come first serve (not the quality of the writing) rule will be applied and the rest will be kept for the next issue.